WINTER 1941 DIRECTOR Mailli Brown GENRES Drama RUN TIME 13 minutes COUNTRY United States Synopsis A young woman’s life is changed forever after the bombing of Pearl Harbor in this achingly beautiful short film, taking place over the winter of 1941. Student Filmmaker...
WINDSOR PARK: THE SINKING STREETS DIRECTOR Olivé GENRES Documentary RUN TIME 13 minutes COUNTRY United States Synopsis One of the first all-Black housing communities in North Las Vegas is seeking justice after withdrawal of groundwater and geological faults caused...
WILDCAT DIRECTOR Cat Dale GENRES Dark Comedy RUN TIME 15 minutes COUNTRY United States Synopsis Mary Todd Lincoln, who is committed to an insane asylum by her last living relative, tries to prove her sanity with the help of a medium and her dead son. Based on true...
WHISTLE DIRECTOR Jen Araki GENRES Drama RUN TIME 28 minutes COUNTRY Canada Synopsis Emma returns to her childhood home upon her father’s death. But what set out to be a simple funeral service becomes a journey down nostalgia lane, making her confront her bittersweet...
WHY I GIVE DIRECTOR Koko VanDernoot GENRES Documentary RUN TIME 22 minutes COUNTRY United States Synopsis Faced with the. realities of a pandemic, an 11 year old sets out to learn why people care and aim to shine a light on those in need. Student: Beaver Country Day...